It can undoubtedly be stated that technology has changed and modified people's lives. Firstly, the electronic revolution improves communication. Examples of this include the internet, cellphones, etc...Technological advances change business and workplaces and hence, the world economy. Computer-driven robots now help to make manufactured goods such as automobiles. Rapid communication and data transmission allows many workers today to "telecommute", or do their jobs by computer from home. Finally, to be considered, is the issue of economic domination. High-tech workplces are found mainly in industrialized countries such as the USA and Japan. This technological imbalance has given rise to a new kind of economic imperialism in which the industrialized nations dominate less developed countries. Technology has made developed countries economically stronger and has given developed nations better military equipment with which to influence behavior of less-developed countries.
Modern world history patterns of interaction. (2009). Evanston, Ill.: McDougal Littell.
1. In your opinion, is technology a positive or a negative thing?
2. Has technology had an effect on you? What is it?
Technoplogy in my opinion is a very positive thing, however it can be misused in very harmful ways . Yet, that should not stop us from enjoying the improvment and development that our world is witnessing today and we should embrace technology as much as possible.